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(As of October 16, 2024)


            Carl Abrahamsson

                        Anton LaVey and the Church of Satan

                        Intuitive Consciousness as a Cultural Force


Anna-Lisa Adelberg

            Psychological and Spiritual Awakening


Laurel Airica (1944 -2024)

            Word MagicE


Stephen Aizenstat, PhD

            The Power of the Imaginal


James E. Alcock, PhD

            The Psychology of Belief

            A Skeptical Look at Parapsychology


Miranda Alcott, MA

            Listening to Animals

                        Video Nugget: Opening Up

            Animal Communication

                        Video Nugget: Opening Intuitively to Animals

            Speaking with Animals

                        Video Nugget: Wild Animals in Captivity

            What Animals Can Teach Humans

                        Video Nugget: The Consciousness of Animals

            The Animal and Human Kingdoms

                        Video Nugget: Human-Animal Symbiosis

            Animal Medical Intuition

                        Video Nugget: Working With Veterinarians

            Animals and the Afterlife

                        Video Nugget: Deceased Pets as Spirit Guides

            Intuition at Work

            Reboot: Listening to Animals

            Reboot: What Can We Learn From Animals

            Reboot: The Human and Animal Kingdoms

            Is There Life After Death?, Live Stream Event, Held on June 11, 2023



Wagner Alegretti

            Working with Subtle Energy

            Retrocognition and Reincarnation


Eben Alexander, MD

            Integrating the Near-Death Experience

            The Primacy of Consciousness

            Sound and Healing

            An Open-Ended Conversation

            Live Stream Event with Karen Newell and Ken Pelletier, June 6, 2021

            The God Force

            Is There Life After Death?, Live Stream Event, Held on June 11, 2023


John B. Alexander, PhD

            UFOs: Myths and Realities

                        Video Nugget: The Haunted Universe

            UFOs and the Paranormal

                        Video Nugget: Dealing With Lies and Misinformation

            U.S. Military Interest in the Paranormal

                        Video Nugget: The Hutchison Effect

            UFO/Paranormal Update

            Crop Circles and Chemtrails

            Reboot: U.S. Military Interest in the Paranormal


Robert Alexander, PhD

            Meditative Technologies

                        Video Nugget: A High-Tech, Spiritual DJ


Stewart Alexander

            The Making of a Physical Medium

            Experiences of a Physical Medium


A. Hameed Ali (aka A. H. Almaas)

            The Enneagram


Carlos Alvarado, PhD (1955 – 2021)

            Camille Flammarion: The Mystical Astronomer

            Charles Richet: Nobel Laureate Psychic Researcher

            Ernesto Bozzano and Spirit Survival

            Eusapia Palladino: Remembering a Great Physical Medium


Julie Anderson

            Living with the Ruchira Avatar

            A Penetrating Spiritual Experience

            Spirituality and Death

            Scandals at the Ashram

            The Role of the Guru, Live Stream Event Held on September 14, 2024


Annika and Tristan

            Neurodiversity, Part 1: Two Souls in One Body

            Neurodiversity, Part 2: Annika’s Life Story

            Neurodiversity, Part 3: Tristan’s Life Story

            Neurodiversity, Part 4: Metaphysics of the Soul


Frederick H. “Skip” Atwater

            Spiritual Guidance and Military Remote Viewing


Loyd Auerbach, MS

            Ghost Hunting

            Psychokinesis (PK) 

            Parapsychology in Russia

            Dreams and Psychic Dreams

            Remembering Alex Tanous with Archival Video


Samuel Ben-Or Avital

            Living Kabbalah

                        Video Nugget: Growing Up With Kabbalah

            Kinesthetic Intelligence

                        Video Nugget: Becoming the Paradox


Carolyn Baker with Andrew Harvey

            Resilience in Dangerous TimesE


Debashish Banerji, PhD

            Language of the Gods, Part One: The Primordial Mantra

                        Video Nugget: The Ancient Indus Valley Civilization

            Language of the Gods, Part Two: Reality or Illusion

                        Video Nugget: The Human Sensorium

            Language of the Gods, Part Three: Tantra and Chakras

                        Video Nugget: Vedanta vs. Tantra

            The History of Yoga

                        Video Nugget: The Birth of the Upanishads

            The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo, Part One: The Revolutionary Yogi

                        Video Nugget: Sri Aurobindo in Prison

            The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo, Part Two: The Spiritual Empiricist

                        Video Nugget: Healing the World

            The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo, Part Three: Future Evolution of Humanity

                        Video Nugget: Transforming the Human Body

            Reincarnation in Indian Tradition

                        Video Nugget: The Subtle Bodies of Yoga

            Understanding the Rig Veda

            Understanding the Upanishads

            Understanding Post-Humanism

            Yoga Psychology

            The Bengal Renaissance


            The Siddhis or Powers of Yoga

            Understanding the Chakras

            Reboot: The Primordial Mantra

            Reboot: Reality or Illusion

            Reboot: Tantra and the Chakras

            Reboot: Aurobindo – The Revolutionary Yogi

            Global Goddess Traditions

            The Power of Mantra

            The Bhagavad Gita

            The Origins of Buddhism

            Reboot: Sri Aurobindo As A Spiritual Empiricist


Janelle M. Barlow, PhD

            Meet the Author: Live Stream Event Held on April 25, 2021

            Complaints as Gifts, Live Stream Event Held on December 18, 2022


Imants Barušs, PhD

            The Flicker Filter Model of Consciousness

            Consciousness After Death


            Susan Bauer-Wu, PhD, RN

                        Healing Ecoanxiety and the EarthE


            Mary Baxter, PhD

                        The Akashic Field

                        Life Journeys of Spiritual Healers

                        Using the Pendulum

                        Meet the Author: Live Stream Event Held on April 11, 2021


            Jonathan Beecher

                        Messages From the Afterlife


Julie Beischel, PhD

                        Investigating Mediums


Bernard D. Beitman, MD

                        Synchronicity and Serendipity

                        Meaning and Coincidence


Laurin Bellg, MD

            Altered States of Consciousness in Medicine

                        Video Nugget: Paranormal Experiences Among the Dying

            Reboot: Altered States of Consciousness in Medicine


Daryl Bem, PhD

Daryl Bem on Feeling the Future (and on Stanley Krippner)*


Bruce “Zen” Benefiel, MA, MBA

            A New World Order

            The Sociology of UFOlogy

            On Hearing Voices


William Bengston, PhD

            Healing Research and Practice

            New Dimensions in Healing


Nick Dagen Best

                        Impact: Uranus Return 2025-2033C


Stafford Betty, PhD

            The Spiritualist Vision of the Afterlife

                        Video Nugget: Mediumistic Afterlife Descriptions

            The Mind-Body Problem in Philosophy

                        Video Nugget: What is The Soul?

            Deathbed Visions

                        Video Nugget: The Last Words of Steve Jobs

Instrumental Transcommunication

                        Video Nugget: The History of ITC and EVP

            Terminal Lucidity

                        Video Nugget: Jeffrey's Examples of Terminal Lucidity

            Reboot: The Spiritualist Vision of the Afterlife

            Reboot: The Mind Body Problem

            Life in the Afterlife

            Is There Life After Death?, Live Stream Event, Held on June 11, 2023


Robert Bigelow

            The Making of a Paranormal Investigator

            Space Exploration

            Paranormal Hitchhikers and the Skinwalker Ranch

            Researching the Afterlife

            Investigating the Paranormal, Live Stream Event held on September 10, 2023


Edi Bilimoria, DPhil, FIMechE, CEng

            Science and the Perennial PhilosophyE

            Unlocking Universal Secrets of the SoulE

            How Humans Mirror the CosmosE

                  Understanding Your Karma (to be released on October 25)E


Greg Bishop

            UFOs and the United States Government

            UFO Contactees

            What is a UFO?

            Meet the Author, Live Stream Event Held on July 3, 2022

            UFOs and UAP: Are We Really Alone, Live Stream Event Held on August 25, 2024


Chris Bledsoe

            UFOs and Miracles

            Meet the author, Live Stream Event Held on May 21, 2023


Ralph Blumenthal

            Alien Abductions and the Passion of John Mack

            Alien Encounters


Mark Boccuzzi

            Researching Mediums

            Ethical Considerations for Applied Psi


Robert Bosnak, JD, PsyA

            Alchemy and Psychology

            Dreaming and Embodied Imagination


Nichol Bradford, MBA

            Technology and Human Potential


John Brandenburg, PhD

            Martian Speculations and Beyond


Stephen E. Braude, PhD

            Mind, Nature, and the Paranormal

                        Video Nugget: Hidden Emotions Around Parapsychology

            Macro-Psychokinesis, Part One: Physical Mediumship

                        Video Nugget: A Nineteenth Century Research Gem

            Macro-Psychokinesis, Part Two: Apparitions

                        Video Nugget: Philip the Ghost

            Macro-Psychokinesis, Part Three: Philosophical Reflections

                        Video Nugget: Psychokinesis and Rationality

            Multiple Personalities, Part One: The History of an Enigma

                        Video Nugget: Multiple Personality Disorder

            Multiple Personalities, Part Two: The Transcendental Ego

                        Video Nugget: Immanuel Kant's Understanding of Self

            Multiple Personalities, Part Three: Parapsychological Implications

                        Video Nugget: Alternatives to the Survival Hypothesis

            Thoughtography of Ted Serios

                        Video Nugget: Who Was Ted Serios?

            Poltergeist Phenomena

                        Video Nugget: Human Poltergeist Interactions

            The Case of The PK Man

                        Video Nugget: The Potential Harm of Psychokinesis

            Philosophy and Post-Mortem Survival

                        Video Nugget: Identifying Post-Mortem Personalities

            Evidentiality of Spiritualist Mediumship

                        Video Nugget: The Mediumship of Leonora Piper

            The Case of the Gold Leaf Lady

                        Video Nugget: A Most Unusual Psychic Gift

            Table Levitation

                        Video Nugget: Testing Table Tilting

            Reboot: Physical Mediumship

            Reboot: Apparitions

            Reboot: Philosophical Reflections on Psychokinesis

            Reboot: Poltergeist Phenomena

            Reboot: Philosophy and Postmortem Survival

            Reboot: The Case of the Gold Leaf Lady

            Reboot: The PK Man

            Reboot: Table Levitation

            Problems Inherent in Mediumship Research

            4K Reboot: The Case of the PK Man (to be released on October 27)


Davis K. Brimberg, PhD

            Life’s Defining Moments

            Interspecies Communication

            Carl Jung’s Friendships with Freud, Rhine, and Pauli


Terry Brock, MBA, CPAE

            Technology and the Soul


Thomas Brophy, PhD


            Black African Origins of Ancient Egyptian Culture

            Reboot: Scientist and Mystic Hiroshi Motoyama

            Reboot: Integral Education

            4K Reboot: Black African Contributions to Ancient Egyptian Culture

            4K Reboot: Hylozoism

            4K Reboot: Scientist and Mystic Hiroshi Motoyama

            4K Reboot: Integral Education


Courtney Brown, PhD

            The Making of a Paranormal Explorer

            How to Capture UFOs/UAP on Video

            The Farsight Institute Approach to Remote Viewing


Lyn Buchanan, MA

            The Poltergeist Experience

                        Video Nugget: A Poltergeist Child

            Inside the Fort Meade Remote Viewing Program

                        Video Nugget: Skeptics of Remote Viewing

            Controlled Remote Viewing

                        Video Nugget: How Accurate Is Remote Viewing?

            Your Sixth and Seventh Senses

                        Video Nugget: What Has Remote Viewing Accomplished?

            Exercises to Cultivate Remote Viewing

                        Video Nugget: Remote Influencing

            An Open-Ended Conversation

            Our Second Open-Ended Conversation

            Advances in Remote Viewing


Joseph Burkes, MD

            Human Initiated Contact Experiences (HICE)


Lorna Byrne

            Talking to AngelsE

            Angel Messengers, Live Stream Event, January 21, 2024


Joe Cajero

            Introducting Our New Studio Sculpture   


Prudence Calabrese

            Searching for Pru: Remote Viewing, Transdimensional Mapping & the Grey DudeD


Grant Cameron

            Apports and Materializations


Kevin Cann

            Platonic Surrealism (to be released on October 18)


Dani Caputi, PhD

            Psychokinetic Weather Influence

            Subjectivity, the Self, and the Soul

            New Random Event Strategies in Parapsychology

            Gender Transformation


Etzel Cardeña, PhD

            Experimental Evidence for Parapsychological Phenomena

            Altered States and Enhanced Functioning

            Psi and the Visual Arts

            Mysticism and Hypnosis


Anabela Cardoso, PhD

            Instrumental Trans Communication (ITC)

            Learning from the Voices of Instrumental Trans Communication

            Meet the Author, Live Stream Event, August 29, 2021

            Friedrich Jürgenson: Pioneer of EVP and ITC


James C. Carpenter, PhD

            First Sight Theory


Bernard Carr, PhD

            Consciousness and Cosmology

            Psychical Research and Parapsychology

            Hyperspace, Consciousness, and Time

            Black Holes, Cosmology, and the Limits of Science


            Gina Carr, MBA

                        The Merits of a Vegan Diet


Father Nathan Castle, OP

            Interrupted Death ExperienceE


Christopher Key Chapple, PhD

            The Wisdom of Classical YogaL


John Chavez

            Endogenous DMT


Tom Cheetham, PhD

            Henri Corbin and the Mundus Imaginalis

            The Battle for Anima Mundi: The Soul of the World


Rod Chelberg, MD

            Doctor Shares Psychic and Spiritual Stories of HealingE

                  Becoming a MysticE


Alison Chester-Lambert, MA

            Cultural AstronomyE

            Cosmic Significance of Dwarf PlanetsE

            An Easy Way to Read Your Birth ChartE


Francis Cholle

            Intuition in Business

                        Video Nugget: Intuition and Artificial Intelligence


Samuel Chong

            Abduction Aboard a UFO


Edward R. Close, PhD

            The Double-Slit, Delayed-Choice Experiment

            The Constancy of the Speed of Light

            Spiritual Practice and Scientific Inquiry

            The Mysterious Component of Reality


            Mathematics and the Physical Universe

            Reincarnation or Resonance with Vernon Neppe


Alan Cohen, MA

            Help Wanted: World Savior, Apply WithinC


Wendy Colter, MCWC, CMIP

            Medical IntuitionE


Nick Cook

            High Strangeness, UFOs and the Afterlife

            UFOs and UAP: Are We Really Alone, Live Stream Event Held on August 25, 2024


Callum Cooper, PhD

            Phone Calls From the Dead

            Conversations With Ghosts

            Callum Cooper Interviews Jeffrey Mishlove About Parapsychology

            Meet the Author, Live Stream Event, March 24, 2024


Caroline Cory

            Our Superhuman Powers

            Searching for UFOs


Peter Coyote

            1970s California Counter-Culture

            An American Buddhist


Adam Crabtree, RP

            The Evolution of Psychodynamic Theory

                        Video Nugget: The Marquis de Puysegur

            Alternate Consciousness Paradigm

                        Video Nugget: Multiple Personalities and Possession

            The Possession Experience

                        Video Nugget: Treating Cases of Possession

            The Phenomena of Mesmerism

                        Video Nugget: Community of Sensation

            The Philosophy of Charles Sanders Peirce

                        Video Nugget: Objective Idealism

            Multiple Personalities

                        Video Nugget: The Three Faces of Eve

            The Nature of Trance

            The Group Mind

                        Video Nugget: Deities, Thoughtforms, and the Collective Unconscious

            Eros and Agape

                        Video Nugget: The Conscience of Greed

            Hypnogogic Consciousness

            Understanding Nietzsche

            Reboot: The Possession Experience

            Reboot: The Evolution of Psychodynamic Theory

Reboot: The Nature of Trance

Unveiling the Secrets of the Psyche: Janet, Freud, and Jung



Michael Cremo

            Forbidden Archeology

                        Video Nugget: How Old Is Humanity?

            Alfred Russel Wallace and the Spirit World

                        Video Nugget: The Watseka Wonder

            What Is A Human Being?

                        Video Nugget: Healing Research At Lourdes

            A Vedic Alternative to Darwin’s Theory

                        Video Nugget: Avatars in Hindu Tradition

            Vedic Tradition and UFOs

            Reboot: Forbidden Archeology

            Is There Life After Death?, Live Stream Event, Held on June 11, 2023


Jude Currivan, PhD

            The Cosmic Hologram

                        Video Nugget: Indra's Net

            Universal Patterns in Nature

                        Video Nugget: Achieving World Peace

            Consciousness and Cosmology

                        Video Nugget: In Defense of Panpsychism

            Reboot: The Cosmic Hologram

            Reboot: Universal Patterns in Nature

            The Cosmic, Evolutionary Impulse

            The Biological, Evolutionary Impulse

            Live Stream Event Held on January 8, 2023

            Reboot: Consciousness and the Cosmos           


Bruce Damer, PhD

            The Origin and Destiny of Life

            The Origin of Life and Consciousness

            Universal Love

            Human Destiny

            What is Consciousness?


Erik Davis, PhD

            Magic and Science


Robert Davis, PhD

            Contact With Non-Human Intelligence

            Peak Experiences and the Brain

            UFOs and UAP: Are We Really Alone, Live Stream Event Held on August 25, 2024


Michael Daw

            Fasting, Vegetarianism, and Psi


Mona Delfino (1964? - 2022)

            Psychic Transference

            Listening to Your Body

            Listening to the Wind


Christian de Quincey, PhD

            The Philosophy of Panpsychism

                        Video Nugget: Telepathy and Process Philosophy

            The Philosophy of Intersubjectivity

                        Video Nugget: Is the Self Real?

            Zombies and Angels

                        Video Nugget: Philosophical Zombies

            Interspecies Communication

                        Video Nugget: Human-Dolphin Telepathy

            Questioning Our Assumptions

                        Video Nugget: Questioning Gender Roles


                        Video Nugget: Jung, Freud and Synchronicity

            Reboot: Synchronicity

            Reboot: The Philosophy of Panpsychism


Patricia DeYoung, PhD

            Shame: The Hidden Struggle (to be released on November 4)L


Timothy Owen “Tod” Desmond, PhD

            Holographic String Theory and the Soul


Joanne DiMaggio, MA

            Investigating Your Life PurposeE

            Writing From the SoulE

            The Beatles’ Inner LightC


Jonathan Dinsmore, MS

            Mystical Luminosity


Richard Dolan

            Secret Space Programs


            Rabbi Wayne Dosick, PhD

                        One God, One World, One People


Daniel Drasin

            Understanding the Afterlife


James P. Driscoll, PhD

            The Godhead Archetype

                        Video Nugget: The Feminine Face of God

            The Problem of Evil

                        Video Nugget: Uroboric Evil

            King Lear and the Power of Tragedy

                        Video Nugget: The Nature of Tragedy

            Satan, Lucifer, and the Jungian Shadow

            Does God Exist?

            The God in Time

            The Boundaries of Jungian Thought

            Carl Jung and Karl Marx


Simon Duan, PhD

            Parapsychology in China

            The Platonic Computer


Elaine Dundon, MBA

            The Influence of Greek Culture in Our Lives

                        Video Nugget: Philosophy’s Gift to Humanity

            Reboot: The Influence of Greek Culture in Our Lives


Brenda Dunne, MS (1944 – 2022)

            Consciousness-Related Anomalies at Princeton

            Inside the PEAR Lab

            Your Quantum Mind


Nancy du Tertre, JD

            Intuition and the Brain

                        Video Nugget: Language and Psychic Ability

            Psychic Criminology

                        Video Nugget: Becoming a Psychic Detective

            Languages of the Cosmos, Part One: Exolinguistics

                        Video Nugget: Extraterrestrial Intelligence

            Languages of the Cosmos, Part Two: Space Intelligences

                        Video Nugget: Psychokinesis and UFOs

            Remembering Ingo Swann

                        Video Nugget: From Normal Sensations to ESP

            On Being a Skeptical Psychic

                        Video Nugget: My Method for Psychic Reading

            Money and Psychic Functioning

                        Video Nugget: Using ESP for Financial Speculation

            A Miraculous Healing         

            Reboot: Intuition and the Brain

            Reboot: Exolinguistics        

            Reboot: Contacting the Space Intelligences

            Reboot: Psychic Criminology

            Reboot: On Being a Skeptical Psychic

            Reboot: Remembering Ingo Swann


Brett Eichenberger

            Bigfoot Revealed: Finding Beauty in the BeastD


Carlos Eire, PhD

            Levitation and Bilocation


Howard Eisenberg, MD

            Decoding Reality


Brit Elders

            The Billy Meier UFO Contacts


Debbie Joffe Ellis, MDAM

            Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, Part One: Life’s Hardships

                        Video Nugget: The Death of Albert Ellis

            Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, Part Two: The ABCs

                        Video Nugget: Overcoming Hostility

            Meet the Author: Live Stream Event held on September 27, 2020

            Reboot: Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy


Normandi Ellis

            Magic and Initiatory Practices of Ancient Egypt

                        Video Nugget: The Body of Light

            Hieroglyphic Thinking

                        Video Nugget: The Eye in the Triangle

            Reboot: Magic and Initiatory Practices of Ancient Egypt

            Global Angelic SpiritualityE


Evelyn Elsaesser

            Researching Contact With The DeceasedE


Marcia Emery, PhD

            Adventures in PrecognitionE

            Cultivating IntuitionE

            Your Inner HealerE


Brendan Engen, PsyD

            Archetypal Synchronistic Resonance, Part One: A New Theory

                        Video Nugget: A Shared Past Lifetime in Ancient Rome?

            Archetypal Synchronistic Resonance, Part Two: The Looking-Glass God

                        Video Nugget: The Godhead Archetype

            Archetypal Synchronistic Resonance, Part Three: Apophenia and Discernment

                        Video Nugget: The Dark Side of Coincidence

            Reboot: Archetypal Synchronistic Resonance


Barbara Ensrud

            J. B. Rhine’s Early Years in Parapsychology


Sean Esbjörn-Hargens, PhD

            Realms of Non-Human Intelligence

            Reboot: Realms of Non-Human Intelligence

            Super Experiencers


Alexander Excobar, PhD

            Universal Consciousness and the Brain


Federico Faggin, PhD

            The Journey from Computers to Consciousness


Robert Falconer, MA

            Psychotherapy, Porous Mind, and Spirit Possession

            An Open-Ended Conversation

            Meet the Author, Live Stream Event, July 14, 2024


Lindsay Fauntleroy, LAc

            Being in Your ElementE


Sally Rhine Feather, PhD

            The Early Years of Parapsychology at Duke University

            The Legacy of Joseph Banks Rhine


Pamela Fedderson

            I’ve Known Jeffrey Mishlove Longer Than Anyone


Amanda Feilding

            The Psychedelic Renaissance


Peter Fenwick, MD

            Mind, Brain, and Spirit


Jorge Ferrer, PhD

            The Evolution of Transpersonal Psychology

            Comparative Mysticism

            Science and The Supernatural

            Monogamy, Polyamory, and Intimate Relations

            Embodied Spirituality

            The Existence of Spiritual Entities


Irving Finkel, PhD

            Evidence of First GhostsE

            Ancient Magic RitualsE


Gerald Loren Fishkin, PhD

            The Psychology of Shame

                        Video Nugget: Toxic Shame and Psychotherapy

            The Psychology of Burnout

                        Video Nugget: The Need for Emotional Processing

            Reboot: The Psychology of Shame


Elly Flippen

            The Life and Legacy of Ingo Swann


Angela Ford

            Remote Viewing and ChannelingD


Matthew Fox, ThD

            Creation Spirituality

            Meet the Author Live Stream Event Held on May 22, 2022


Robin Foy (1943 – 2022)

            Cultivating Physical Mediumship

            The Scole Experiment


Marla Frees

            Living a Psychic Life

            After Death Communication

            Meet the Author: Live Stream Event Held on March 20, 2022


Joan Friedman, PhD

            Unlocking the Secrets of Twin PsychologyD


Patricia Fripp, CPAE

            From a Haunted House to An Extraordinary Life


Gary Gach

            Hafiz: Fourteenth Century Persian Mystical Poet

            Buddhist Schools of Thought

            The Life and Work of the Korean Poet Ko Un


Joseph Gallenberger, PhD

            Cultivating Psychokinesis, Part One: A Personal Journey

                        Video Nugget: Research on Psychokinesis

            Cultivating Psychokinesis, Part Two: The Energy of the Group

                        Video Nugget: Training Psychokinesis at a Casino

            Cultivating Psychokinesis, Part Three: The Art of Manifesting

                        Video Nugget: The Psychokinetic Mindset

            Grief's Dark Cocoon

                        Video Nugget: Opening to the Paranormal

            A Soul's Journey After Suicide

                        Video Nugget: Healing in the Afterlife

            Reboot: Cultivating Psychokinesis, The Energy of the Group

            Reboot: The Art of Manifesting

            Reboot: Cultivating Psychokinesis, A Personal Journey


Suzanne Giesemann

            Living the Awakened Life

            Exercises for Awakening


Robert Ginsberg

            Working with Spirit Mediums


Jacob W. Glazier, PhD

            Phenomenology and Science

            Philosophical Specters, Hauntings, and Exorcisms

            Psychoanalyzing Parapsychology

            Critical Approaches to Exceptional Experiences


Ben Goertzel, PhD

            The Possibility of Telepathy in Robots

                        Video Nugget: Science of the Future

            Reincarnation and Robots

                        Video Nugget: Reincarnation & Religion

            Reboot: Telepathic Robots?

            4K Reboot: Reincarnation and Robots (to be released on November 1)


Philip A. Goff, PhD

            Solving the Problems of Consciousness


August Goforth

            Love, Grief, and Postmortem Survival

                        The Grieving Process & the Afterlife

                        Meet the Author: Live Stream Event held on February 28, 2021


            Alex Gomez-Marin, PhD

                        Eyeless Sight

                        Consciousness and Neuroscience

                        The Brain and the Universe: The Jacobo Grinberg Story

                        Mind and Brain, Live Stream Event, March 3, 2024                 


            Julia Gordon-Bramer, MFA

                        Poetry and the Occult


            Amit Goswami, PhD

            The Quantum Brain


Sarah Grace

            Psychic ParamedicE


Jason Gregory

            Humility as a Spiritual Practice

                        Video Nugget: Separation and Oneness

            Reboot: Humility as a Spiritual Practice


Julian Gresser, JD

            The Intelligence of the Heart

                        Video Nugget: The Energy of the Heart

            Integral Resilience

            Reboot: The Intelligence of the Heart

            Navigating an Age of Chaos


Bruce Greyson, MD

            Researching Near-Death Experiences

            Near-Death Experiences and the Life ReviewC


Pierre Grimes, PhD (1923 - 2024)

            Coping With Tragedy

                        Video Nugget: The Essence of Tragedy

            Plato’s Republic

                        Video Nugget: The Role of Dreams in the Ancient World

            Philosophical Midwifery

                        Video Nugget: Philosophy Versus Psychology

            Psychedelics and Philosophy

                        Video Nugget: The Danger of Divine Luminosity

            Understanding Plato

                        Video Nugget: Beliefs Versus Facts

            Understanding Neoplatonism

                        Video Nugget: Theurgy and Philosophy

            Working with Dreams

                        Video Nugget: A Timeless Moment In Time

            Greek Philosophy and Early Christianity

            Algorithms and the Human Psyche

            Homer and Plato

            War and Philosophy

            Philosophical Dialogue

            Training The Philosopher King

            Philosophy and Theology

            Reboot: Plato’s Republic

            Reboot: Coping With Tragedy

            Reboot: Philosophical Midwifery

            Reboot: Understanding Neoplatonism


Neal Grossman, PhD

            A Post-Materialist Social Order

            Understanding Spinoza


Michael Grosso, PhD

            The Flying Friar: St. Joseph of Copertino

            Religious Miracles

            Mind At Large

            Dialoguing with the Transcendent


James Guy

            Entheogen Mind and Beyond

                        Video Nugget: Oneness


Stuart Hameroff, MD

            Consciousness and the Brain, Part One: Possibilities Within Microtubules

                        Video Nugget: The Hard Problem of Consciousness

            Consciousness and the Brain, Part Two: The Mystery of Anesthesia

                        Video Nugget: Consciousness and Anesthesia

            Consciousness and the Brain, Part Three: Quantum Consciousness

                        Video Nugget: The Emperor’s New Mind

            Consciousness and the Brain, Part Four: The Orchestra of the Brain

                        Video Nugget: Parapsychology and Consciousness

            Consciousness and the Brain, Part Five: Consciousness in the Universe

                        Video Nugget: Psychedelics and the Brain

            Consciousness and the Brain, Part Six: Spiritual Implications

                        Video Nugget: The Brain at Death

            The Hard Problem of Consciousness

                        Video Nugget: Possible Solutions to the Hard Problem

            The ORCH OR Theory of Consciousness and Its Critics

                        Video Nugget: The ORCH in ORCH OR

            Reboot: The Orchestra of the Brain

            Reboot: Consciousness in the Universe

            Reboot: Spiritual Implications of the Mind/Brain System

            Testing the ORCH OR Theory of Consciousness


David Hanscom, MD

            Healing Chronic PainE

            Intrusive ThoughtsE

            Healing Self-EsteemE


Joanna Harcourt-Smith (1946 – 2020)

            Remembering Timothy Leary

                        Video Nugget: Making Love on LSD

            Lessons Learned From The 1970s

            Reboot: Remembering Timothy Leary


Chris H. Hardy, PhD

            The Infinite Spiral Staircase, Part One: Telepathic Harmonic Fields

                        Video Nugget: Among the Sadhus in Nashik, India

            The Infinite Spiral Staircase, Part Two: Semantic Field Theory

                        Video Nugget: Synchronicity

            The Infinite Spiral Staircase, Part Three: Cosmic DNA at the Origin

                        Video Nugget: Consciousness of the Cosmos

            Reboot: Telepathic Harmonic Fields

            Reboot: Semantic Field Theory

            Reboot: Cosmic DNA at the Origin


Rachel Harris, PhD                       

Ayahuasca as Transformational Medicine

                  Video Nugget: Sacred Plants as Teachers

            The Shadow Side of Ayahuasca

                        Video Nugget: Processing After Psychedelic Use

            Grandmother Ayahuasca

                        Video Nugget: Conflicting Realities

            Reboot: Ayahuasca’s Therapeutic Potential

            Reboot: The Shadow Side of Ayahuasca

            Reboot: Grandmother Ayahuasca

            Psychedelics and the Soul


Mickey Hart

            The Grateful Dead Meet Stanley Krippner*


Glenn Hartelius, PhD

            The Seat of Attention


Andrew Harvey with Carolyn Baker

            Resilience in Dangerous Times E


Steve Hassan, PhD

            Deconstructing Cults and Undue InfluenceD


Joyce Whiteley Hawkes, PhD (XXXX – 2023)

            Becoming a Psychic Healing Facilitator

            Cellular Consciousness and Healing

            Approaches to Self-Healing

            Advanced Psychic Healing Approaches

            A Healing Meditation


Todd Hayen, PhD

            Ancient Egypt and Modern Culture

            What is Sacred Science?

                        Video Nugget: Modern Versions of Sacred Science

            The Relationship of Psyche and Matter

                        Video Nugget: Are We Ready for Psychokinesis?

            Modern Materialism and the Loss of Soul

                        Video Nugget: Consciousness of the Heart

            Reboot: The Relationship of Psyche and Matter


Gail Hayssen

            A Small Medium At Large

            Remembering Jean Millay

            Shamanism in Mongolia

            Mongolian Shamanism

            The World of Shamans, Live Stream Event Held on January 16, 2022

            Mongolian Shamanic Initiation

            Huichol Indian Shamanism

            Huichol Shamanic Healing

            Huichol Shamanic Culture


Reinerio Hernandez, JD

            Contact Modalities

            High Strangeness and The Mind of God

            Meet the Author, Live Stream Held on November 27, 2022


Rev. Karen Herrick, PhD

            Psychological Trauma and the Soul


Jim Hickman

            Tribute to Stanley Krippner*


Andy Hilton

            Anthropological and Historical Perspectives on Initiation

            Psychological Perspectives on Initiation


            The Future of Initiation


Mitch Horowitz

            The Amazing Randi and American Skepticism

Manly Hall & The Secret Teachings of All Ages

            Neville Goddard and His Discovery of the God Within

            Rethinking Satanism

            Modern Occultism: Protecting the SearchC


Neil Howe, MA, MPhil

                    The #FourthTurning: Are We At a "Great Gate in History?"C


Alan Ross Hugenot, EngrScD

            Science and Post-Mortem Survival  

            Meet the Author: Live Stream Event held on August 9, 2020

            Is There Life After Death?, Live Stream Event, Held on June 11, 2023


Jack Hunter, PhD

            Ecological Awareness and the Paranormal

            The Ontological Status of Spiritual Entities


Daniel Ingram, MD

            Emergent PhenomenaE

            Hardcore DharmaE


Matthew Ingram

            Revisiting the Counterculture

            The Human Potential Movement and the Esalen Institute

            Varieties of Meditative Experience

            Music and Mysticism


David Jaher, MFA

            Houdini and The Witch of Lime Street


Michael Jawer

            The Ocean of Emotion


Mike Jay

            Exploring Drugs and Culture



Richard Jelusich, PhD

            Psychology of the Chakras


Jason Reza Jorjani, PhD

            The Persian Influence on Western Civilization

                        Video Nugget: Persia’s Influence on Ancient Greece

            Philosophy and Psychical Research

                        Video Nugget: Henri Bergson and William James

            The Spectral Revolution

                        Video Nugget: A New Ethos

            Technological Apocalypse

                        Video Nugget: The Future of BioTechnology

            The Philosophers of Atlantis

                        Video Nugget: Rudolf Steiner on Atlantis

            The PK Man and Mercurial Hermeneutics

                        Video Nugget: The Trickster At Work

            Understanding Zarathustra

            Zarathustra’s Indo-European Legacy

                        Video Nugget: Did Zarathustra Live 8,000 Years Ago?

            Zarathustra and the Iranian Renaissance

                        Video Nugget: Mazdakites and Sufis

            Heidegger's Being and Time

                        Video Nugget: Being Towards Death

            Who is a Philosopher?

                        Video Nugget: The Branches of Philosophy

            Artemis and the Amazons

                        Video Nugget: The Amazon Warrior Queen

            The Gnostics

                        Video Nugget: Mani and Manichaeism

            Plato’s Noble Lie and the Trickster

                        Video Nugget: Batman as a Platonic Guardian

     The Metaphysical Implications of Free Will

      Video Nugget: William James’ Pluralism

            The Blind Owl of Sadegh Hedayat

                        Video Nugget: Fairy Faith and Tantra

            Dharma and Tantra

                        Video Nugget: Tantric Deconstruction

            Understanding the Grays

Postmodern Philosophy

      Video Nugget: Dangerous In A Good Way

            Understanding The Trial by Franz Kafka

                        Video Nugget: The Parable Before the Law

Gautama Sakamuni


                       The Leviathan

                       Iranian Zionism

                       The Religions of Light and Love in Iran

                       Salman the Persian and the Origin of Islam

                       Esoteric Mysticism in Islamic Iran

                       The Renaissance of Iranian Civilization

                       The Need for Novel Folklore in an Iranian Renaissance

                       Transhumanism and the Technological Singularity

                       Virtual Reality

                        Time Travel

                        The Breakaway Civilization

                        The Noble Lie Revisited

                        Meet the Author: Live Stream Event held on August 30, 2020

                        Heidegger’s Philosophy of Technology                           

                        The End of Humanity, History, and Reality

                        Prometheus as a Specter

                        Reboot: Philosophy & Psychical Research

                        Reboot: Understanding the Trial by Franz Kafka


Brian Josephson, PhD

            The Unification of Mind and Matter


Stephanie Juengling, PhD

            Anthropology of Ghost Hunting


Heidi Jurka

            Andrija Puharich and His Space Kids

            Pachita: The Mexican Miracle Healer


Paul Kalas, PhD

            Precognitive Dreams


Ruth E. Kastner, PhD

            Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics

                        Video Nugget: The Observer in Quantum Theory

            The Reality of Possibility

                        Video Nugget: Virtual Particles

            Time’s Arrow and Free Will

                        Video Nugget: Free Will and Science

            The Transactional Interpretation of Quantum Theory

            Free Will and Determinism

            The Paradoxes of Modern Physics

            Postmortem Survival and the Physical Universe

            Reboot: Interpretations of Quantum Physics

            Reboot: The Reality of Possibility


Bernardo Kastrup, PhD

            Metaphysical Idealism

            The Deep Truth of Religious Myth

            What Can We Learn From Bizarre Phenomena?

            Diving Into The Mind

            Logic, Science, and the Meaning of Life

            Implications on Metaphysical Idealism

            The History of Ontological Idealism

            The Metaphysical Philosophy of Arthur Schopenhauer

            Solving the Paradoxes of Quantum Physics

            An Open-Ended Conversation

            Post-Mortem Survival and Analytical Idealism

            Jungian Metaphysics

            Science and Metaphysics

            Living With A Daimon

            4K Reboot: Diving into the Mind (to be released on October 24)


Debra Lynne Katz, MSW, PhD

            Remote Viewing Versus Psychic Reading, Part One: Two Different Histories

                        Video Nugget: Psychic Shielding

            Remote Viewing Versus Psychic Reading, Part Two: Practical Applications

                        Video Nugget: Displacement in Psychic Readings

            Reflections on The PK Man

                        Video Nugget: UFOs and Alien Beings

            Reboot: Remote Viewing vs. Psychic Reading: Different Histories

            Reboot: Remote Viewing vs. Psychic Reading: Practical Applications

            Associative Remote Viewing

            Reboot: Reflections on the PK Man

            Meet Our New Guest Host, Live Stream Event held on November 12, 2023

            Psychic Surgery Paradoxes


Leslie Kean

            Spirit Materialization

            United States Military Interest in UFOs

            Is There Life After Death?, Live Stream Event, Held on June 11, 2023


Colm Kelleher, PhD

            Researching the Paranormal

            The Next Steps in UFO Research


Machiel Klerk

            Harnessing the Power of Dream IncubationE


Jon Knowles, MA

            Applied Precognition


Christof Koch, PhD

            Consciousness and Science


Jack Kornfield, PhD

            An Open-Ended Convesation


Betty Kovács, PhD

            The Inversion of Our True Myths

            Working on What Has Decayed

            The Language of the Soul

            Spiritual Awakening in the High Middle Ages

            Spiritual Awakening in the Italian Renaissance

            The Rosicrucian Enlightenment

                        The Afterlife and the Unconscious Mind

                        Is There Life After Death?, Live Stream Event, Held on June 11, 2023


            Jürgen Kremer, PhD

                        Shamanism and Psychology


Jeffrey Kripal, PhD

            The Erotic and the Esoteric in Religion

            The Power of the Near-Death Experience, Part Two

            A New Vision of the Unexplained, Part Two

            The Significance of Spiritual Epiphanies


Stanley Krippner, PhD

            Dream Telepathy

                        Video Nugget: Geomagnetic Effects on ESP

            The Apports of Amyr Amiden

                        Video Nugget: The Experience of Apports

            Parapsychology and the Skeptics

                        Video Nugget: Hostile vs. Cordial Skeptics

            Progress in Parapsychology

            Video Nugget: Repeatability in Parapsychology                                    

            Psychedelic Experience

                        Video Nugget: Psychedelic Psychotherapy

            Understanding Hypnosis

                        Video Nugget: The Dark Side of Hypnosis

            Anomalistic Psychology

                        Video Nugget: Psychology and the Paranormal

            Working with Extraordinary Dreams

                        Video Nugget: Dreams, Science, & The Esoteric

            Native American Medicine Man Rolling Thunder

Video Nugget: Healing the Eagle

            Shamans and Their World

                        Video Nugget: The Shaman as Master Trickster

            The Spiritist Religions of Brazil

                        Video Nugget: Deities and Saints

            Personal Mythology

                        Video Nugget: Being of Service to All Creation

            Human Sexuality and Gender Identity

                        Video Nugget: Androgyny and Out-of-Body Travel

Coping with Trauma

                        Video Nugget: Understanding and Treating PTSD

            The Making of a Parapsychologist*

            Meet the Author: Live Stream Event Held on March 28, 2021

            Reboot: Apports

            Reboot: The Psychology of Psychedelic Experience

            The Grand Master of Parapsychology, Live Stream Event Held on July 30, 2023

            4K Reboot: Dream Telepathy

                        4K Reboot: Anomalistic Psychology (to be released on October 22)

                        4K Reboot: Parapsychology and the Skeptics (to be released on October 30)


Randy Kritkausky, MA

            Twenty-first Century Animism


Elizabeth Krohn

            The Power of the Near-Death Experience, Part One

            Near-Death Reflections

            Meet the Author, Live Stream Event Held on November 6, 2022


John Kruth

            Parapsychology at the Rhine Research Center


Gary Lachman

            The Life and Work of Rudolf Steiner

            Magick and Politics

            Madame Blavatsky and Theosophy

            Colin Wilson: Existentialism Meets The Occult

            The Life and Ideas of Emanuel Swedenborg

            The Magickal Legacy of Aleister Crowley

            P. D. Ouspensky and the Gurdjieff Work

            The Hermetic Tradition and Hermes Trismegistus

            Lost Knowledge of the Imagination

            Esoteric Dimensions of Carl Jung

            Unraveling the Mystery of Holy Russia


            What Is Time?

            Holy Russia, Live Stream Event Held on April 12, 2022

            Maurice Nicoll: Psychology of the Fourth Way Teachings of Gurdjieff and Ouspensky

            The Occult Side of Sexuality


Alison Chester-Lambert, MA

            Cultural AstronomyE

            Cosmic Significance of Dwarf PlanetsE


Cynthia Sue Larson, MBA

            How Malleable Is Reality?

            The Mandela Effect


Don Lattin

            Psychedelic Pioneers

            Entheogens and God


Oliver Lazar, MD

            Afterlife Research

            Science and the Afterlife


Mark LeBlanc

            Spiritual Pilgrimage


            Paul LeMay

                        Primate Mind – Buddha Mind


            Eric “Rick” Leskowitz, MD

                        Energy Medicine for Pain Relief and HealingE

                        Cultivating Peak ExperiencesE

                        Crop Circles and Earth FrequenciesE


Paul J. Leslie, EdD

            The Evolution of Psychotherapy

            American Hoodoo

            The Transformative Psychotherapy of Milton Erickson

            The PsychoMagic of Alejandro Jodorowsky

            The Presence of the Paranormal in Psychotherapy

            Psychopathology and Psychic PhenomenaE


David Levitt, PhD

            A Materialist Confronts the Paranormal


Paul Levy

            Awakening From The Quantum Dream

            The Alchemical Awakening

            The Magic of Quantum Physics

            The Mind Virus


John Lockley

            South African Sangoma ShamanismE

            Meet the Author, Live Stream Event, June 23, 2024


Thomas Lombardo, PhD

            Evolutionary Cosmology and Psychology

                        Video Nugget: Conscious Biological Evolution

            Consciousness and Reality

                        Video Nugget: Bishop Berkeley Made Me Dizzy

            Yin Yang and the Concept of Reciprocity

                        Video Nugget: Reconceptualizing Polarities

            Thinking About The Future

                        Video Nugget: Predicting the Distant Future

            Apocalyptic, Doomsday Thinking

                        Video Nugget: Self-Fulfilling Prophecies

            The Good Future

                        Video Nugget: Frankenstein Revisited

            Wise Cyborgs

                        Video Nugget: Conscious Robots

            H. G. Wells and Olaf Stapledon

                        Video Nugget: Olaf Stapledon’s Star Maker

            Science Fiction as the Mythology of the Future

                        Video Nugget: Parapsychology and Science Fiction

            Dark Forces and the Nature of Evil

            The Future Evolution of Humanity

            Reboot: Dark Forces and the Nature of Evil

            Reboot: Science Fiction as Mythology of the Future

            Reboot: Consciousness and Reality


Pim van Lommel, MD

                        Science and the Near-Death Experience


            Jeffrey Long, MD

                        Near-Death Experience


            Elizabeth “Tantlian” Lord

                        Awakening Young Minds to Psychic AbilitiesE


            David Lorimer, MA, PGCE, FRSA

                        Body, Mind, and Death


            Joshua Louis

                        Finding Hope in the AfterlifeD


Walter von Lucadou, ScD, PhD

            Parapsychological Counseling


David Luke, PhD

            Understanding DMT


P. Sufenas Virius Lupus (aka Phillip Bernhardt-House, PhD)

            Understanding Polytheism

                        Video Nugget: Deities vs. Archetypes

            The Ancient Mystery Traditions

                        Video Nugget: Afterlife Cults

            Rebellion Against God

                        Video Nugget: Conflicting Deities

            The History of Gender and Sexual Identity

                        Video Nugget: The Ancient Sexuality Food Chain

            Werewolf Cults in Ancient Times

                        Video Nugget: The Ancient Canine Connection


William S. Lyon, PhD

            Native American Medicine Powers

            Native American Shamanism


James D. Madden, PhD

            The Professor of UFOlogy: Confessions of a Catholic ProfC


Terry Marks-Tarlow, PhD

            Fractal Espistemology


Doug Marman

            The Art and Science of Soul Travel

            The Soul’s Journey

            The Mystical Teachings of Jalal al-Din Rumi

            Lenses of Perception

            Parapsychology and the Soul


Jeffery Martin, PhD

            Awakening Non-Symbolic Consciousness

                        Video Nugget: Researching Enlightenment

            Reiki Healing

                        Video Nugget: The History of Reiki

            Locations within Non-Symbolic Consciousness

                        Video Nugget: Locations One, Two, Three, & Four

            Transitioning to Enlightenment

            Reboot: Awakening Non-Symbolic Consciousness

            Reboot: Reiki Healing

            4K Reboot: Transitioning to Enlightenment

            Frontiers of Consciousness, Live Stream, Held on August 4, 2024

            4K Reboot: Reiki Healing


Manuel Matas, MD (1945 – 2022)

            Destigmatizing the ParanormalE


James G. Matlock, PhD

            How Researchers Approach Reincarnation

                        Video Nugget: How Strong is Reincarnation Evidence?

            Patterns Found in Reincarnation Cases

                        Video Nugget: Reincarnation and Gender

            Alternative Explanations for Reincarnation Evidence

                        Video Nugget: Archetypal Synchronistic Resonance

            Behavioral Signs of Reincarnation

                        Video Nugget: Behavioral Memories

            Birthmarks and Physical Signs of Reincarnation

                        Video Nugget: Experimental Birthmarks

            The Interval Between Death and Rebirth

                        Video Nugget: Cultural Differences in Afterlife Reports

            Reincarnation and Possession

                        Video Nugget: A Possible Case of Hostile Possession

            The Psychology of Past-Life Memory

                        Video Nugget: Adults’ vs. Children’s Past-Life Memories

            Reincarnation in Tribal Societies

            Reincarnation in the Ancient World

                        Video Nugget: The Origin of Reincarnation Beliefs

            Reincarnation Cases and Karma

            The Process of Reincarnation

            Reboot: Reincarnation and Possession

            Reboot: Behavioral Signs of Reincarnation

            Reboot: Reincarnation in Tribal Societies


            Mark Matousek, MA

                        Who is America’s Greatest Spiritual Teacher?C


Daniel Matt, PhD

            The Prophet Elijah


Edwin C. May, PhD

            USA’s Psychic Spy Program

                        Video Nugget: Politics and Parapsychology

            Researching Anomalous Cognition

                        Video Nugget: An Information Transfer Anomaly

            Correlates of Anomalous Cognition

                        Video Nugget: ESP and the Brain

            Training Anomalous Cognition

                        Video Nugget: Remote Viewing and Baseball


                        Video Nugget: Implications of Precognition

            How Precognition Works

                        Video Nugget: A Psychic Retina for Precognition

            Entropy and the Nature of Time

                        Video Nugget: Remote Viewing and Changes in Entropy

            Quantum Theory and Parapsychology

                        Video Nugget: Quantum Paradoxes & Classical Reality

            Defending Physicalism

                        Video Nugget: The Problem with Mind-Body Dualism

            Lessons Learned from the Stargate Program

                        Video Nugget: Russian Remote Viewing

            Star Gate Revisited

            Reboot: America’s Psychic Spy Program

            Reboot: Lessons Learned From Stargate

            Reboot: Precognition

            Reboot: Training Anomalous Cognition

            An Open-Ended Conversation


C. M. Mayo

            The Role of Spiritism in the Mexican Revolution, Part One: Madero’s Secret Book

                        Video Nugget: Spiritist Medium Launches a Revolution

            The Role of Spiritism in the Mexican Revolution, Part Two: Metaphysical Journey

                        Video Nugget: The Spiritual Basis of Revolution

            The Role of Spiritism in the Mexican Revolution, Part Three: Death of a Spiritist

                        Video Nugget: The Spiritist President of Mexico

            Reboot: The Role of Spiritism in the Mexican Revolution


Karen Francis McCarthy

            The Making of a Progressive, Spiritualist Medium

            Meet the Author: Live Stream Event Held on March 14, 2021

            Ghosts and Magic, Live Stream Event held on October 29, 2023


James McClenon, PhD

            The Sociology of SORRAT

            The Practice of Firewalking

            Investigating Psychic Surgery

            Parapsychology as a Deviant Science

            War and Inner PeaceE


Rollin McCraty, PhD

            Radiance of the HeartL


Matthew McKay, PhD

            Love and ImpermanenceE

            Love of All Things MeditationE

                  After-Death CommunicationE


Dennis McKenna, PhD

            Psychoactive Drugs


Joe McMoneagle

            Parapsychology and the Media

                        Video Nugget: Why Are There Scoffers?

            Guidelines for Future Remote Viewing

                        Video Nugget: Remote Viewing New Technologies

            Archeological Remote Viewing in Japan

                        Video Nugget: Japanese Culture & The Paranormal

            Practical Applications of Remote Viewing

                        Video Nugget: The Kidnapping of General Dozier

            Reboot: Archeological Remote Viewing in Japan

            4K Reboot: Practical Applications of Remote Viewing (to be released on October 29)


Sean McNamara

            Telekinesis Training

            Live Stream Online PK Party held on July 16, 2020

            Psychedelics and Psychic Abilities

            The Impact of UFO/UAP Information

            Cultivating Psychic Abilities

            Meditation with Psychedelics


Lynne McTaggart

            Group Intention and Psychokinesis


Maxine Meilleur, ALM

            Highlights of Trance Mediumship


Dena Merriam, MA

            The Soul’s Journey: Karma and Reincarnation


Walter Meyer zu Erpen

            Archives of the Paranormal


Jean Millay, PhD (and others)

            A Tribute To Parapsychologist Stanley Krippner*

            The Spirit of Shamanism in the Life and Work of Stanley Krippner*


Dan Millman

            The Spiritual Quest


Luis Minero

            The Out of Body Experience

                        Video Nugget: Remote Viewing and Out of Body Experience

            Energies of the Subtle Body

                        Video Nugget: Cultivating Out of Body Experience

            Out of Body Exploration

                        Video Nugget: Out of Body Classrooms

            Reboot: Out of Body Exploration


            Andrew Mishlove, JD

                        Meet Jeffrey’s Brother, Attorney Andrew Mishlove, held on October 9, 2022


Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD

            InPresence 0001: Becoming the Best Version of Yourself

            InPresence 0002: Unconditional Self Love

            InPresence 0003: The Power of Suggestion

            InPresence 0004: Life and Death

            InPresence 0005: Addressing Pain

            InPresence 0006: Blocks to Psychic Functioning

            InPresence 0007: My Great Uncle Harry

            InPresence 0008: My Hero William James

            InPresence 0009: The Roots of Consciousness

            InPresence 0010: My Friend and Mentor Arthur M. Young

            InPresence 0011: Healing Intention

            InPresence 0012: Rudolf Steiner and Anthroposophy

            InPresence 0013: Practical Applications of Psi

            InPresence 0014: Fear of Psi

            InPresence 0015: The Inspirational Jean Houston

            InPresence 0016: Psychokinesis

            InPresence 0017: The Human Aura

            InPresence 0018: Tantra

            InPresence 0019: Divination

            InPresence 0020: The Misunderstood Genius of Wilhelm Reich

            InPresence 0021: Seneca, My Inner Healing Advisor

            InPresence 0022: The Real Magic of Uri Geller

            InPresence 0023: William James’ Radical Empiricism

            InPresence 0024: Working With Psychics and Intuitives

            InPresence 0025: Science and Pseudoscience

            InPresence 0026: Unidentified Flying Objects

            InPresence 0027: The Moral Equivalent of War

            InPresence 0028: The Art of Dying

            InPresence 0029: Consciousness and Sociology

            InPresence 0030: Psychic Liberation

            InPresence 0031: The Super ESP Hypothesis

            InPresence 0032: The Meaning of Life

            InPresence 0033: Mind-Body Metaphysics

            InPresence 0034: Self-Responsibility

            InPresence 0035: Miracles

            InPresence 0036: Two Secrets of High Self-Esteem

            InPresence 0037: Dinosaur Tracks

            InPresence 0038: Dream Possibilities     

            InPresence 0039: Politics and Consciousness

            InPresence 0040: A Synchronistic Opportunity

            InPresence 0041: What is Truth?

            InPresence 0042: Parapsychologist Stephan A. Schwartz

            InPresence 0043: Metaphysics

            InPresence 0044: The Chakras

            InPresence 0045: Playing With Magick

            InPresence 0046: On Being Jewish

            InPresence 0047: The Psychology of Enlightenment

            InPresence 0048: Pay It Forward

            InPresence 0049: Is Parapsychology a Science?

            InPresence 0050: A Complaint is a Gift

            InPresence 0051: The Quest for Wholeness

            InPresence 0052: Money!!!

            InPresence 0053: The Secret of Happiness

            InPresence 0054: Facing Old Age

            InPresence 0055: Self-Discipline

            InPresence 0056: The Dream Realm

            InPresence 0057: Unidentified Flying Chariots

            InPresence 0058: God and the Space-Time Matrix

            InPresence 0059: Wrestling With God

            InPresence 0060: The Life Force Within You

            InPresence 0061: Resist Not Evil!

            InPresence 0062: Your Karmic Bank Account

            InPresence 0063: The Attainment of Siddhis

            InPresence 0064: Solitude

            InPresence 0065: Dreaming Revisited

            InPresence 0066: Resonance With A Previous Personality

            InPresence 0067: A Tribute to My Murdered Cousin, D. Scott Rogo

            InPresence 0068: My Friend, Saul-Paul Sirag: The Early Years

            InPresence 0069: Captain Rainbow to the Rescue

            InPresence 0070: Psi Development Systems

            InPresence 0071: Intuition in Business

            InPresence 0072: The Necromanteion and The Psychomanteum

            InPresence 0073: The Wisdom of Nonsense

            InPresence 0074: The Fool and The Magician

            InPresence 0075: Why Astrology Endures

            InPresence 0076: Kundalini

            InPresence 0077: A Brazilian, Spiritist Afterlife Vision

            InPresence 0078: Psychotronics

            InPresence 0079: Privacy and Extra Sensory Perception

            InPresence 0080: Einstein and the Nature of Time

            InPresence 0081: The Big Bell Test

            InPresence 0082: Thoughts As Spiritual Entities

            InPresence 0083: My Mom, the Yoga Teacher

InPresence 0084: Vaihinger’s Philosophy of “As If”

InPresence 0085: Lucid Dreams of The Deceased

            InPresence 0086: Life Is But A Dream

            InPresence 0087: Nothing at All

            InPresence 0088: The Law of Progressive Contraries

            InPresence 0089: The Law of Concealment

            InPresence 0090: The Language of Astrology

            InPresence 0091: The Law of Revelation

            InPresence 0092: An InPresence Turning Point

            InPresence 0093: Spiritual Transmission

            InPresence 0094: Power of the Imaginal World

            InPresence 0095: Fantasy and Reality

            InPresence 0096: The Human Condition

            InPresence 0097: Requirements for Psychic Training

            InPresence 0098: NTA Psi Experience Community

            InPresence 0099: Signal to Noise Ratio

            InPresence 0100: Your Body

            InPresence 0101: Religion and Spirituality

            InPresence 0102: Novelty

            InPresence 0103: The Hypnopompic Transition

            InPresence 0104: Take Care of Your Body!!

            InPresence 0105: Leaping Into the Cloudy Void

            InPresence 0106: Entelechy

            InPresence 0107: What is Profound?

            InPresence 0108: Triggers

            InPresence 0109: Conscious Computers Aboard UFOs

            InPresence 0110: The Dark Side

            InPresence 0111: The Psychopomp

            InPresence 0112: Is the Universe Friendly?

            InPresence 0113: Telepathic Hypnotic Suggestion

            InPresence 0114: Witchcraft

            InPresence 0115: Reflections on Spiritual Transmission

            InPresence 0116: Humanistic & Transpersonal Psychology

            InPresence 0117: Transcendentalism and New Thought

            InPresence 0118: The Power of Positive Thinking

            InPresence 0119: Letting Go of Certain Beliefs

            InPresence 0120: Letting Go of Guilt

            InPresence 0121: Being Here and Now

            InPresence 0122: Mexico’s Spiritist Medium President

            InPresence 0123: Revisiting the Bible

            InPresence 0124: The Divine Feminine

            InPresence 0125: John Adams and Thomas Jefferson

            InPresence 0126: I Am Becoming a Cyborg

            InPresence 0127: Something You Don’t Already Know About Me

            InPresence 0128: The Ignorance of the Human Species

            InPresence 0129: The Edge of Hilarity

            InPresence 0130: Nothing is More Important Than…

InPresence 0131: Cultivating Yourself

            InPresence 0132: Sneaky Ego

            InPresence 0133: The Sheep-Goat Effect in Parapsychology

            InPresence 0134: Radionics

            InPresence 0135: Psychokinetic Weather Modification

            InPresence 0136: Psychedelics

            InPresence 0137: Libel and Humiliation

            InPresence 0138: Can We Trust Mainstream Media?

            InPresence 0139: Alcohol

            InPresence 0140: The Experimenter Effect

            InPresence 0141: Revisiting the 1970s

            InPresence 0142: An Imaginary Ghost With Real Powers

            InPresence 0143: Getting Better At Karaoke

            InPresence 0144: Reflections on Aleister Crowley

            InPresence 0145: Parapsychology and the Zeitgeist

            InPresence 0146: Reflections on Real Time With Bill Maher

            InPresence 0147: Jacques Vallee and the Worldwide Web

            InPresence 0148: Chaos Magick

            InPresence 0149: William James and Psychical Research

            InPresence 0150: Avatars Meher Baba & Adi Da Samraj

            InPresence 0151: Earth’s Ambassador

            InPresence 0152: New Directions

            InPresence 0153: Shift Your Consciousness With A Single Thought

            InPresence 0154: When To Let Go (Of Attachments)

            InPresence 0155: Subtlety

            InPresence 0156: Discernment

            InPresence 0157: Toward a New Science of Consciousness

            InPresence 0158: Reverse Causation

            InPresence 0159: The Age and Size of the Universe

            InPresence 0160: Carl Jung and the End of Humanity – Reflections on Peter Kingsley’s Catafalque

            InPresence 0161: Jung’s Journey Into the Underworld – Further Reflections on Peter Kingsley’s Catafalque

            InPresence 0162: Prophecy Versus Precognition – Final Reflections on Peter Kingsley’s Catafalque

            InPresence 0163: Actual God

            InPresence 0164: The Future of New Thinking Allowed and a Call for Volunteers

            InPresence 0165: Update on The Future of New Thinking Allowed and a Call for Volunteers

            InPresence 0166: First Live Stream (April 19, 2020) – My Father

            InPresence 0167: The Toughest Questions You Can Throw At Me

            InPresence 0168: Second Live Stream (May 17, 2020) – Toughest Questions

            InPresence 0169: Community Building

            InPresence 0170: What Happened?

            InPresence 0171: Paraphrenia and the Alternatives

            InPresence 0172: Precognition Versus Psychokinesis

            InPresence 0173: Non-Duality

            InPresence 0174: Phantasms, Tulpas, and Egregores

            InPresence 0175: Reflections on Our Online PK Metal-Bending Party

            InPresence 0176: What Is Your Boggle Threshold?

            InPresence 0177: Remembering Parapsychology Pioneer Andrija Puharich

            InPresence 0178: Comments that I have Deleted

            InPresence 0179: Reflections on My Friend – Jason Reza Jorjani

            InPresence 0180: The Secret of the Rainbow Yin Yang

            InPresence 0181: Locus of Control

            InPresence 0182: Jeff Sings Karaoke

            InPresence 0183: New Developments at New Thinking Allowed

            InPresence 0184: The Razor’s Edge of Discernment

            InPresence 0185: The Real, The Imaginal, and the Imaginery

            InPresence 0186: Super Ego vs. Super Consciousness

            InPresence 0187: Respect

            InPresence 0188: A New Parapsychological Approach to Financial Forecasting

            InPresence 0189: Can We Build UFOs?

            InPresence 0190: Modernism and Postmodernism

            InPresence 0191: My Amazing Friend, H. Dean Brown

            InPresence 0192: My Grandfather Abraham Rogow

            InPresence 0193: Rudolf Steiner and Friedrich Nietzsche

            InPresence 0194: Further Reflections on My Friend Jason Reza Jorjani

            InPresence 0195: Gustav Fechner and the Science of Psychophysics

            InPresence 0196: Are Spirits Real?

            InPresence 0197: If I Had Millions to Spend on Research

InPresence 0198: Geoffrey Hodson and the Cottingley Fairies

            InPresence 0199: More Answers to Your Toughest Questions

            InPresence 0200: Spiritualist Virtuoso Gladys Osborne Leonard

            InPresence 0201: Telepathy and Psychedelics

            InPresence 0202: The Ways and Power of Love

            InPresence 0203: The Happiest Day of My Life

            InPresence 0204: Even More of Your Toughest Questions

            InPresence 0205: Yet More of Your Toughest Questions

            InPresence 0206: Even More Answers to Your Questions

            InPresence 0207: Yet More Answers to Your Questions

            InPresence 0208: Yet Even More Questions Are Answered

            InPresence 0209: Answers to More of Your Questions

            InPresence 0210: Four Steps to Successful ESP Performance

            Live Stream Event held on October 11, 2020

            Live Stream Event held on November 22, 2020

            InPresence 0211: When Prophecy Fails

            InPresence 0212: Jeff Interviews Himself

            InPresence 0213: Raising Your Vibrations

            InPresence 0214: Reflections on the PK Man  

            InPresence 0215: Evidence for Postmortem Survival of Consciousness

            Live Stream Event held on February 14, 2021

            InPresence 0216: Spirit Possession

            InPresence 0217: Spontaneity

            InPresence 0218: The Reincarnation of U Ba Kyar

            InPresence 0219: The Akashic Field

            InPresence 0220: Space, Time, and Consciousness

            InPresence 0221: Is the Afterlife an Illusion?

            InPresence 0222: Forms of Life After Death

            InPresence 0223: The Science of Postmortem Survival

            InPresence 0224: Persistence of Discarnate Spirits

            InPresence 0225: Aliens in the Afterlife

InPresence 0226: Future Human Evolution

InPresence 0227: Psychenautics Manifesto

InPresence 0228: Living in the Afterlife, Part 1

InPresence 0229: Living in the Afterlife, Part 2

InPresence 0230: Her Life in Two Worlds, Gladys Osborne Leonard

InPresence 0231: Meditation Popcorn

Live Stream Event Held on September 25, 2021

InPresence 0232: Not Not

InPresence 0233: Mind Surfing

InPresence 0234: ESP and Synchronicity

InPresence 0235: Cosmic Dendrites

InPresence 0236: Inside-Out Universe

InPresence 0237: Om Shanti Shanti

Bigelow Institute Essay Competition Award Speech

InPresence 0238: George Carlin, Cynicism, and the Afterlife

Live Stream Event Held on February 6, 2022

Emmy Vadnais Interviews Jeffrey Mishlove About the Grand Prize Bigelow Institute EssayE

Best Evidence for the Afterlife Live Stream Event, Held on February 27, 2022

Callum Cooper Interviews Jeffrey Mishlove About Parapsychology

InPresence 0239: Mind At Large

InPresence 0240: Deep Time

InPresence 0241: Mapping the Afterlife

InPresence 0242: Call for Volunteers

InPresence 0243: The God Horus

Your Toughest Questions: Live Stream Event Held on August 21, 2022      

Healing Our Planet Ourselves: A Guided Meditation/Visualization

InPresence 0244: Return of the PK Man

InPresence 0245: PK Man Pilot Study Interim Report

InPresence 0246: The Universal Chakra System

InPresence 0247: Thinking and Intuition

InPresence 0248: Spiritual Initiation

InPresence 0249: Tolerance of Ambiguity

Your Toughest Questions: Live Stream Event Held On April 2, 2023

InPresence 0250: Psychic Social Psychology

InPresence 0251: The Source of Psychic Power

InPresence 0252: The Map of All Maps of Consciousness

InPresence 0253: How to Get the Most Out of New Thinking Allowed

Live Stream Event with Emmy Vadnais Held on June 25, 2023

Evolution of Consciousness (2005)L

InPresence 0254: The Paradox of Being Human

InPresence 0255: Can Thoughts and Prayers Reduce Gun Violence?

77th Birthday, Live Stream Event, December 3, 2023

InPresence 0256: The Method to My Madness

Introduction to Tonglen Meditation

InPresence 0257: The Law of One and Related Coincidences

Becoming Jeffrey MishloveJ


Garret Moddel, PhD

            Can We Harvest Zero-Point Energy?


Elly Molina

            Psychic ChildrenE


Cate Montana, MA

            The Ego and Its Matrix

                        Video Nugget: The Prison of the Ego

            Ego and Enlightenment

                        Video Nugget: Transpersonal Awareness


            Facing EvilE

Raymond Moody, MD, PhD

            The Search For The Afterlife

            Meet the Author: Live Stream Event Held on May 9, 2022

            Proof of an Afterlife: The Shared-Death ExperienceC


Thomas Moore, PhD

            Connecting to SoulL


Alexander Moreira-Almeida, MD, PhD

            Spirit Mediumship in Brazil

            The Science of Life After Death

            Is There Life After Death?, Live Stream Event, Held on June 11, 2023


Julia Mossbridge, PhD

            Time and Consciousness


Jan Mundo, CMSC, CMT

            How to Heal Headaches and Migraines


Lance Mungia

            UFOs, Psychic Spies, and Consciousness


Caroline Myss, MA

            Evolution to WholismE

            Your Divine Potential, Live Stream Event, October 8, 2023E


Laurie Nadel, PhD

            Resilience in the Aftermath of Disaster

            Trauma, Dreams, and Nightmares


Mervat Nasser, MD, MPhil, FRCPsych

            The Hermetic Tradition and Its Roots in Ancient Egypt

            Hermeticism and the Philosophies of Hope


Christopher Naughton, JD

            Science, Mysticism, Atheism, and Religion

            Meet Our New Guest Host, Live Stream Event Held on August 13, 2023

            Unity in Polarizing TimesE


Roger Nelson, PhD

            The Global Consciousness Project

            Meet the Author: Live Stream Event held on December 6, 2020

            Interconnectedness: The Life and Times of Roger NelsonD


Vernon Neppe, MD, PhD

            The Chess Game From Beyond the Grave

                        Video Nugget: Gza Marczy Died in 1951

            Deja Vu

                        Video Nugget: Subjective Paranormal Experience

            Psychic Experience and the Brain

                        Video Nugget: Psi and the Brain’s Temporal Lobes

            The Nature of Psi

                        Video Nugget: The Quality of Psi Research

            Space, Time, and Consciousness

                        Video Nugget: Mathematics and Reality

            Reality Begins with Consciousness

                        Video Nugget: Evaluating Paradigms

            Theories of Everything

                        Video Nugget: Criteria for a Theory of Everything

            Philosophy, Mysticism, Spirituality, and Science

                        Video Nugget: Infinity Embeds the Finite

            The Dyadic, Creative Interface

                        Video Nugget: Initiating a Scientific Partnership

            Kabbalah, Science, and Spirituality

                        Video Nugget: Mathematics & The Tree of Life

            What’s the Matter with Matter?

                        Video Nugget: Weirdness in the Material World

            Understanding Gimmel

            Feasibility and Falsification in Science

            Infinity and Non-Locality

            Genius, Creativity, and Exceptional Intelligence

            Free Will, Materialism, and Precognition

            Evil: A Psychiatric Perspective

            Dark Matter and Dark Energy

            Paradigms of Consciousness

            Psychotropic Medications  

            Reboot: Déjà Vu

            Reboot: The Chess Game from Beyond the Grave

            Reboot : Infinity and Non-Locality

            God and Science

            Archetypal Synchronistic Resonance

            Reincarnation or Resonance with Ed Close


Andrew Newberg, MD


            The Neurotheology of Judaism


Karen Newell

            Acoustics and Healing

            An Open-Ended Conversation

            Live Stream Event with Eben Alexander and Ken Pelletier, June 6, 2021


P. D. Newman

            Alchemy, Entheogens, and the Esoteric

            The Ascent to the Divine


Graham Nicholls

            Spirituality and Out-of-Body ExperienceE


Randall Nickerson

            Best UFO Sighting of the 1990s


Chris Niebauer, PhD

            Balancing the MindL


Christopher Noël

            Unveiling Hidden RealitiesE

            UAP, Invisible Matter, and the AfterlifeE

                  Exploring Sasquatch: Paranormal PrimateE


Ohkado Masayuki, PhD

            Reincarnation in Japan


Jordan Olguin

            Introducing Singer/Musician Jordan Olguin


Sally Mallam Ornstein

            The Nature of Higher Consciousness


David K. Osborn

            The Origins of Medicine


Terry Palmer, PhD (1944 – 2021)

            What is spirit possession?

                        Video Nugget: An Experience of Channeling

            Frederic Myers and Psychical Research

                        Video Nugget: The Society for Psychical Research

            Psychic Self-Defense

                        Video Nugget: Visualizations for Psychic Self-Defense

            Spirit Release Therapy

                        Video Nugget: A Spiritual Calling

            Reboot: Psychic Self-Defense

            4K Reboot: Psychic Self-Defense (to be released on October 31)


Glenn Aparicio Parry, PhD

            Indigenous EcoPsychology, Part One: On Being Human

                        Video Nugget: Time and Space

            Indigenous EcoPsychology, Part Two: The Voice of the Fire

                        Video Nugget: Sacred Reality and the Subconscious

            Native American Influence on the Founding of the USA

            The Dance of the Opposites in American Politics

            Unity and Diversity in American Politics

            Making America Sacred Again

            Reboot: On Being Human


Alex Pattakos, PhD

            The Search for Meaning

                        Video Nugget: Prisoners of Our Thoughts

            Reboot: The Search for Meaning


Alan Pearce

            Coma as a Window into the UnconsciousE


Kenneth R. Pelletier, MD, PhD

            The New Science of Epigenetics

            Consciousness Pioneer Arthur M. Young

            Optimal Nutrition

            Merging with the Universe

            Live Stream Event with Karen Newell and Eben Alexander, June 6, 2021


Paul Perry

            Proof of an Afterlife: The Shared-Death ExperienceC


William Peters, M.Ed, MFT

            Shared-Death ExperienceE

            Light at DeathE


John L. Petersen

            The Art of Forecasting, Part One: The Era of Exponential Growth

                        Video Nugget: Preparing for the Future

            The Art of Forecasting, Part Two: The World of Consciousness

                        Video Nugget: Psychic Abilities in the Future


Bill Pfeiffer

            Cultivating Ecstasy


Bill Plotkin, PhD

            Soul Initiation


Ronnie Pontiac

            America’s Mystical Inheritance

            American Metaphysics in the 1800s

            Twentieth Century Mysticism in America

            Twenty-first Century Mysticism

            The Orphic Mysteries

            The Secret Teaching of the Golden Flower

            Manly and Marie Hall: A Metaphysical Romance

            Awakening of the Goddess Sekhmet

            Gods, Egregores, and Archetypes

            Magic: Chaos and Transcendental (to be released on October 21)


Diane Hennacy Powell, MD

            Psychic Ability of Autistic Savants


Linda Powell

            Battle Over UFO Secrecy: The Major Donald Keyhoe Story


Angela Puca, MA, PhD

            Contemporary Witchcraft and Shamanism

            Ghosts and Magic, Live Stream Event held on October 29, 2023


Dean Radin, PhD

            The Reality and Significance of Magick

            Science and the Siddhis (or Powers of Yoga)

            Researching Energy Medicine

            Meet the Author: Live Stream Event held on January 17, 2021


Elizabeth Rauscher, PhD (1937 – 2019)

            Remote Viewing Research

                        Video Nugget: Mishlove Remote Viewing

            Quantum Entanglement

                        Video Nugget: Quantum Computers and ESP

            Psychic Healing Research

                        Video Nugget: Researcher Psi in Science

            Reboot: Remote Viewing Research


Sharon Rawlette, PhD

            Synchronicity and the Afterlife


Brent Raynes

            The Legacy of John Keel & The Mothman


Henry Reed, PhD (1944 – 2023)

            Intuition, Dreams, and Psychic Functioning


Richard Reichbart, JD, PhD

            Psi and Psychoanalysis

            Psychic Phenomena in Literature

            Magicians, Psychics, and Skeptics with Richard Reichbart


Marguerite Mary Rigoglioso, PhD

            Divine Feminine PowerE


Jim Roach, MD

            Holistic Doctor Expands to SpiritualityE

            Doctor Shares Near-Death ExperiencesE


Matthew Roberts

Encounters: InitiationC


Lauren Robertson, MA

            Relationships and Love After LifeE


Christopher Robinson

            Dream Premonitions

            Inside the Mind of a Psychic

            Further Into My Mind, Live Stream Event Held on April 23, 2023


Chris Roe, PhD

            Parapsychology in the United Kingdom


Jana Rogge

            Remote Viewing 3.0

            Applied Project in Remote Viewing


Zack Rogow

            Surrealism and Spontaneity


Serena Roney-Dougal, PhD

            Magic and Nature

            Tibetan Buddhist Psychic Traditions

            Spirituality and Politics

            Psychophysiology of Yoga Chakras


Jonathan Rose, PhD

            Swedenborg’s Visions of Heaven and Hell


Megan Rose, PhD

            Spirit Sex and MarriageE


Marty Rosenblatt, MS

            Practical Applications of Precognition, Part One: Historical Perspectives

                        Video Nugget: Precognition and Free Will

            Practical Applications of Precognition, Part Two: Ongoing Research

                        Video Nugget: Wagering Success Rates

            Practical Applications of Precognition, Part Three: Psychology

                        Video Nugget: The Beckoning Spiritual World

            The Universe of Collective Consciousness

            Reboot: Practical Applications of Precognition


David H. Rosmarin, PhD

            How Spirituality Can Enhance Mental HealthE

            Stress and Anxiety are GiftsE


Nicolas Rouleau, PhD

            The Mind and Its Brain


Beverly Rubik, PhD

            The Biological Field

                        Video Nugget: Rethinking Electromagnetic Energy


                        Video Nugget: Radionics Devices

            Ecopsychology & Environmental Hazards

            Aether Revisited

            Reboot: The Biological Field

            Reboot: Psychotronics

            4K Reboot: The Biological Field


Leo Ruickbie, PhD

            The Ghost in the Time Machine


Gina Ruk, MS

            Astrology and Intuition

                        Video Nugget: Why Astrology Endures

            Reboot: Astrology and Intuition


Peter Russell

            Letting Go of Letting Go

            Cultivating Inner PeaceL


Kiran Kumar Salagame, PhD

            Psychological Reflections on the Bhagavat Gita

            Ancient Indian Thought Before the Common Era

            Psychological Aspects in Ancient Spiritual Traditions of India  

            The Psychology of Meditation


Swami Sarvapriyananda

            Consciousness UnveiledL


Rolf Sattler, PhD

            Science and Sanity

            Alfred Korzybski and General Semantics

            Goethe’s Metamorphosis of Plants

            Logic and the Indescribable


Constance Scharff, PhD

            Music and Trauma


            Friedemann Schaub, MD, PhD

                        Empowering Yourself with the Subconscious MindE


            Linda Yael Schiller, MSW, LICSW

                        Healing Trauma With DreamsE


            Marilyn Schlitz, PhD

                        A Career in Parapsychology


Darryl Robert Schoon

            Affirmations, New Thought, and Beyond

            Spiritualism: An Insider’s View

            Understanding Money

            The Nature of Conspiracy Theories

            The Purpose of Suffering

            Life and Death

            Prophecies of Earth Changes

            Affirmations Revisited

            Money Revisited

            Conspiracy Theories Revisited

            Meet the Author: Live Stream Event held on September 13, 2020


Robert Schwartz

            Pre-Birth Planning Challenges in LoveE


Stephan A. Schwartz

            Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Prophet

                        Video Nugget: Guided by a Dream

            The History of Psychic Archeology

                        Video Nugget: Excavation of Glastonbury Abbey

            Project Deep Quest

                        Video Nugget: Senator Proxmire’s Golden Fleece Award

            Parapsychology and Social Transformation

                        Video Nugget: The Primacy of Consciousness

            Quotidian Choices

                        Video Nugget: The Power of One Person

            The Matrix of Life

                        Video Nugget: Four Major Meta-Trends

            The Alexandria Project

                        Video Nugget: The Bones of Alexander the Great

            Parapsychology, Where Are You?

                        Video Nugget: The Importance of These Videos

            The Continuity of Consciousness

                        Video Nugget: Are We Living in "The Matrix"?

            Remote Viewing the Future

                        Video Nugget: Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR)

            Denier Movements

                        Video Nugget: Commonality of Denier Movements


                        Video Nugget: The Liberation of India

            Healing Intention, Part One: Research With Healers

                        Video Nugget: Distant Healing

            Healing Intention, Part Two: Time and Consciousness

                        Video Nugget: A Retrocognitive Healing Study

            The Power of Intention

                        Video Nugget: The Placebo Effect

            Remote Viewing

                        Video Nugget: Numinosity of Targets


                        Video Nugget: Basic Meditation Instruction

            Psychic Healing Techniques

                        Video Nugget: Psychic Healing and Self-Healing

            How to Conduct Parapsychology Research

                        Video Nugget: Blindness and Randomization

            Remote Viewing in Criminology

                        Video Nugget: Psychic Detectives

            The Anthropology of Consciousness

                        Video Nugget: Changing Views on Shamans

            Water and Human Destiny

                        Video Nugget: Inevitable Climate Disaster

            The Psychophysiology of Politics

                        Video Nugget: The Goal of Social Well-Being

            Creativity, Spiritual Epiphany, and Psychic Functioning

                        Video Nugget: Timeless Time

            Remote Viewing the Capture of Saddam Hussein

            Remote Viewing in Nautical Archeology: The Caravel Project

            Nonlocal Consciousness and Religion

            Remote Viewing in Nautical Archeology: The Brig Leander

            Meet the Author: Live Stream Event held on November 8, 2020

            Remote Viewing the Year 2060

            Homo Superior

            Reboot: The Continuity of Consciousness

            Reboot: Remote Viewing the Future

            Reboot: Remote Viewing in Criminology

            Reboot: Meditation

            Reboot: Edgar Cayce, The Sleeping Prophet

            4K Reboot: Project Deep Quest

            The Need for Postmaterialist Science

            4K Reboot: The Alexandria Project

            4K Reboot: Nonlocal Consciousness and Religion


Nicki Scully

            Shamanic Practices

            Video Nugget: On Combining Spiritual Paths

            Reboot: Shamanic Practices


Matthew David Segall, PhD

            Understanding Alfred North Whitehead


Joseph Selbie

            Miraculous Healing and Science


Paul Selig, MA



Walter Semkiw, MD (1956 - 2022)

            Reincarnation, Part One: The Research of Ian Stevenson

                        Video Nugget: Physical Appearance and Reincarnation

            Reincarnation, Part Two: Cases of Xenoglossy

                        Video Nugget: The Sharada Case

            Reincarnation, Part Three: Identifying Past Lives

                        Video Nugget: Working With a Trance Channeler

            Reincarnation, Part Four: Implications

                        Video Nugget: Resonance with Past Personalities

            Reboot: Cases of Xenoglossy

            Reboot: Identifying Past Lives

            Reboot: The Implications of Reincarnation


Catherine Shainberg, PhD

            Manifesting Life With ImagesE


C. Norman Shealy, MD, PhD

            Energy Medicine

            Holistic Health Tips Related to Covid-19

            Medical Intuition

            The Nature of the Soul


Daniel P. Sheehan, JD, PhD

            The UFO/UAP Disclosure Process

            Preparing for Disclosure, Live Stream Event, January 7, 2024

            UFO/UAP Disclosure October 18: Your Right to KnowC


Henry Shukman, MA

            Our Nature is LoveE

            Zen and KoansE


Gregory Shushan, PhD

            Afterlife Geography


Christine Simmonds-Moore, PhD

            The Anomaly-Prone Personality


Robert Simmons

            Spiritual Alchemy


Terje Simonsen, PhD

            History of Ideas About The Paranormal


Saul-Paul Sirag

            Physics and Consciousness

            Understanding String Theory

            Understanding Hyperspace

            The Psychic Seventies

            Understanding Cosmology

            Comparing Physical Theories of Consciousness


Lisa Smartt, MA

            The Language of Two Worlds


Angela Thompson Smith, PhD

                        Potential Alien Telepathic Communication

                        The Enigma of Alien Contact

                        Remote Viewing Atlantis


Daz Smith

            Ingo Swann’s Penetration

            Remote Viewing the Afterlife

            Remote Viewing the Crypto Market

            UFOs and UAP: Are We Really Alone, Live Stream Event Held on August 25, 2024


Paul Smith, PhD

            Remote Viewing Training, Part One: The Initial Phases

                        Video Nugget: Military Screening for Remote Viewers

            Remote Viewing Training, Part Two: The Advanced Phases

                        Video Nugget: Remote Viewing & The Esoteric

            Dowsing and Remote Viewing

                        Video Nugget: Map Dowsing Methodology

            The Philosophy of Physicalism

                        Video Nugget: The Religion of Materialism

            The History of Remote Viewing

            Remote Viewing of UFOs and Other Mysteries

            Skepticism About Remote Viewing

            The Ideogram Controversy in Remote Viewing

            On Being a Student of Remote Viewing

            Remote Viewing and Mormon Metaphysics

            An Open-Ended Conversation

            Meet the Author: Live Stream Event held on December 20, 2020

            Alien Consciousness


Richard Smoley

            Prophecy and the End of Times

                        Video Nugget: When Prophecy Fails

            The Western Esoteric Tradition

                        Video Nugget: Intolerance of Esoteric Culture


                        Video Nugget: The Gnostic Revival

            Mystical Christianity

                        Video Nugget: The Secret Church of John

            Conscious Love

                        Video Nugget: Calculations of Compatibility

            The Mystery of Consciousness

                        Video Nugget: What is Consciousness?

            The Supernatural

                        Video Nugget: Satanism and Culture


            How Scholars View the Bible

                        Video Nugget: The Historical Jesus

            Reboot: Mystical Christianity

            Reboot: The Supernatural

            Reboot: Gnosticism


Mons Sobhani, PhD

            Science and SpiritualityE


Bruce Olav Solheim, PhD

            Paranormal Experiences of Children

            Telepathy With the Living and the Deceased

            Alien Encounters

            Testing the Boundaries of Reality

            Are We the Aliens?


Mark Solms, PhD

            Emotions and the Brain (to be released on October 28)L


R. J. Spina

            Intelligent Energy

            Self-Healing Live Stream Event, Held on December 26, 2021

            Overcoming Karma

            Consciousness and the Multiverse

            Ascended Masters

            Divinity Through Detachment

            Reprogramming Your Subconscious Mind


Brian Spittles, PhD

            Spiritual Emergence and PsychosisE


Ray Stanford

            The Message of the Blue Apple

            Growing Up With Rex Stanford

            Analyzing UFO Photographs

            Uncanny Events

            Guidelines for Future UFO Researchers

            UFOs and the Uncanny, Live Stream Event Held on May 07, 2023


Karlene Stange, DVM

            Animal Consciousness

            Animal Communication

            The Moment of Death


Alan Steinfeld

            Contacting AliensE

            Exploring Imaginal CognitionE


Roy Stemman

            Dr. William Lang’s Return From the Grave

            Bishop James Pike and the Medium Ena Twigg


Stephani Stephens, PhD

            The Afterlife and the Unconscious

            Carl Gustav Jung’s Visions of the Dead


Anngwyn St. Just, PhD

            Time, Space, and Trauma

            Perpetrators and Victims

            Trauma and the Human Condition

            Meet the Author, Live Stream Event Held on October 24, 2021


Olga Strashun, MD

            Listening to the Invisible WorldE

                  Accessing the Cosmic HologramE


Rick Strassman, MD

            Researching DMT and Psychedelics

            Psychedelics and Spirituality


Whitley Strieber

            A New Vision of the Unexplained, Part One

            Future Communion

            An Open-Ended Conversation

            Meet the Author: Live Stream May 23, 2021

            Deeper Into The Mystery

            Reboot: Deeper Into the Mystery

            UFOs and UAP: Are We Really Alone, Live Stream Event Held on August 25, 2024


Christian Sundberg

            Pre-Birth MemoriesE


Ingo Swann (1933 – 2013)

            A Life Gone WildY


Barry Taff, PhD

            An Insider’s View of Parapsychology at UCLA

            Poltergeist Agents

            Alien/Human Interactions

            Phenomena of High Strangeness


Shannon Taggart

            A Photographer Among the Spirits

            Art & The Invisible World of ParapsychologyE


Russell Targ

            Getting Started in Parapsychology

                        Video Nugget: Encountering Theosophy­­­

            Early Years of Psi Research at SRI International

                        Video Nugget: The Birth of Remote Viewing

            Military Intelligence Interest in Remote Viewing

                        Video Nugget: The Key to My Success


                        Video Nugget: Retrocausality and Free Will

            Precognitive Financial Forecasting

                        Video Nugget: Associative Remote Viewing


                        Video Nugget: The Illusion of Duality Causes Suffering

            Historical Highlights of Parapsychology

                        Video Nugget: The Cross-Correspondences

            Successful Military Intelligence Applications of Psi

                        Video Nugget: Remote Viewing of a Hostage

            The Life, Death, and Afterlife of Elisabeth Targ, MD

                        Video Nugget: An Apparent Afterlife Communication

            Third Eye Spies

            Mind and Matter

            The Strength and Reliability of Remote Viewing

            Meet the Author: Live Stream Event held on January 31, 2021

            Magic and Psi

            Remote Viewing From The Inside Out

            Reboot: Early Years of Psi Research at SRI International

            Precognitive Dreaming

            Beyond the Five SensesL

            Celebrating 90 Years: Live Stream Event Held on April 21, 2024


Charles T. Tart, PhD

     Six Decades in Parapsychology

                Video Nugget: A Faraday Cage for Amplifying ESP

     Learning to Use Extrasensory Perception

                Video Nugget: Screening People for ESP Talent

     Remote Viewing Psychology

          Video Nugget: Shamanic Training
     Fear of Psi

          Video Nugget: Fear of Going Insane
     Psychological Reflections on G. I. Gurdjieff

          Video Nugget: Buddhist Meditation and Gurdjieff Work

     Education in Parapsychology

                Video Nugget: Advice for Prospective Psi Researchers
     Science as a Spiritual Path

                Video Nugget: Experimental Spirituality

     Altered States of Consciousness

                Video Nugget: Working With Dreams

     Transpersonal Psychology

          Video Nugget: Is Spiritual Practice Effective?
     How to Meditate

          Video Nugget: Introspection and Mindfulness

     Future Psychenauts

     Spiritual Implications of Parapsychology

     Parapsychology and Transpersonal Psychology*

     Meet the Author: Live Stream Event held on October 25, 2020

      Reboot: Learning to Use Extrasensory Perception

      Reboot: Psychological Reflections on G. I. Gurdjieff

      Reboot: Fear of Psi


Bernie Taylor

            Paleolithic Mythology


Robin K. Taylor, PhD

            Parapsychology: From Edinburgh to FijiD


Steve Taylor, PhD

            Spiritual Awakening


Linda Tellington-Jones

            Opening to Intuition

                        Video Nugget: A Technique to Handle Stress & Trauma

            Interspecies Communication

                        Video Nugget: Intuitive Animal Communication

            The Sensation of Touch

                        Video Nugget: Feldenkreis Awareness Through Movement

            Reboot: Interspecial Communication

            Reboot: Opening to Intuition


Keith Thompson

            UFOs and UAP: Can we Penetrate the Paradox?


Robert Thurman, PhD

            Wisdom is BlissE

                  Noble Truths: Live Stream Event Held on July 9, 2023E

                  Liberation Between Death and RebirthE


Peter B. Todd, MAPS (1944 – 2020)

            Implications of the Near-Death Experience

            Theology for the Third Millennium

            God, Science, and Dual-Aspect Monism

            Teilhard de Chardin: Scientist, Mystic, and Prophet

            Holism and Unity as an Imperative for Survival

            The Omega Point and the Evolution of God


Charles Tramont, MD (1937 – 2021)

            From Medicine to Metaphysics, Part One: A Doctor's Journey

                        Video Nugget: From Hypnosis to Exorcism

            From Medicine to Metaphysics, Part Two: Spirit Entities

                        Video Nugget: Soul Fragmentation

            Reboot: Spirit Entities in Medicine


Nancy Tramont

            Spirit Releasement Therapy


Nanci Trivellato

            Out-of-Body Experience

            Psychic Experiences in Childhood

            The Subtle Energy of Consciousness and the VELO Technique


Judy Tsafrir, MD

            Psychiatry and the Soul


James Tunney, LLM


            Irish Contributions to Understanding Consciousness


            The Mystical Path

            The Dark Side of Mysticism


            Esoteric Geography of London

            Magical Light and Spiritual Darkness


            Magic Words and the Power of Language

            The Left and Right Hand Paths

            Mystical Light

            Swedish Contributions to Esoteric Culture

            Consciousness, Spirituality, and the Martial Arts

            Consciousness and Fine Art


            Russell Square: A Crucible of Consciousness

            Indigenous Plant and Healing Knowledge

            Meet the Author: Live Stream Held on June 13, 2021


            AE: The Forgotten Mystic

            The Legacy of William Blake

The Artist Francis Bacon

Philip K. Dick as Prophet

The Secret Commonwealth

Joan of Arc

Saint Columba

P. K. Dick, Aliens, and the Afterlife

The Fatima Prophecies

Mysticism and War

John Nelson Darby and The Rapture

Evelyn Underhill and Mysticism

The Life and Philosophy of Bishop George Berkeley

The Human As An Automaton

Plantations of the Mind

Rule of an Automaticity Loop

Crystalized Thinking

The Life and Work of C. S. Lewis

William Butler Yeats and Magic

Rudolf Steiner and the Mystery of Golgotha

The Life and Work of Orson Welles

The Life and Work of H. G. Wells

John Steinbeck: Rewriting the American Myth

The Mythic Dimensions of Artificial Intelligence

Marian Apparitions at Garabandal

The End of Humanity as We Know It



Shelly Tygielski

            Self and Community


Charles Upton

            From Beatnik to Traditionalist

            UFOs and the Demonic



            Meet the Author, Live Stream Held on June 12, 2022

            The Antinomianism of Frithjof Schuon

            Traditionalist Eschatology

            The Science of Metaphysics

            Alexander Dugin’s Russian Metaphysics


            The Beat Generation of Poets

            Living in an Apocalyptic Age

            What is Armageddon and How Do Angels Fit in?

            UFOs and UAP: Are We Really Alone, Live Stream Event Held on August 25, 2024


Jessica Utts, PhD

            Statistics in Parapsychology


Emmy Vadnais OTR/L

            How to Trust Your Inner Knowing

            Meet the Author: Live Stream held on January 3, 2021

            Energy Healing

            Emmy Vadnais Interviews Jeffrey Mishlove About the Grand Prize Bigelow Institute Essay

            Inner Wisdom Meditation

            Desired Outcome Meditation

            Expanded Heart Meditation

            Healing Light Meditation

            Live Stream Event Held on June 25, 2023

            Grounding and Relaxing Meditation

            Introduction to Tonglen Meditation

            Tonglen Meditation

            Heartfulness Meditation


Jacques Vallée, PhD

            The Best Kept Secret in UFOlogy

            The New Era in UFO Research


William Van Gordon, PhD

            Meditation Induced Near-Death Experience

            Research on the Buddhist Practice of Emptiness

            Inverted Hallucinations


            Mario Varvoglis, PhD

                        Metaphysics and Consciousness


            Thomas Verny, MD, DPsych

                        The Embodied Quantum MindE

                        Mental Health, Consciousness, and the BodyE


Rizwan Virk, MS

                        Are We Living in a Virtual Reality?

                        The Simulated Multiverse

                        Yoga Wisdom for Modern SeekersE


Helané Wahbeh, ND, MCR

            Channeling Research, Theory, and Practice

            Meet the Author: Live Stream held on May 1, 2022

            Channeling and Nonlocal ConsciousnessC


Eric Wargo, PhD

            Precognition, Retrocausation, and the Unconscious

            Premonitions of Disaster

            The Long Self

            Precognition and Creative Inspiration


Zofia Weaver, PhD

            Psychic Virtuoso Stefan Ossoweicki

            The Enigmatic Mediumship of Franek Kluski


Craig Weiler

            Science and Pseudoscience on the Internet


Paul Werbos, PhD

            Artificial Intelligence and PsiL


Barbara Harris Whitfield, RT, CMT

            Implications of the Near-Death Experience

                        Video Nugget: Trauma And Transcendence

            The Power of Humility

                        Video Nugget: Psychic and Spiritual Traps

            Spiritual Implications of Medical Marijuana

                        Video Nugget: The Return of the Repressed

            Reboot: Implications of the Near-Death Experience


Charles Whitfield, MD (1938 – 2021)

            The Misdiagnosis of Mental Illness

                        Video Nugget: Self-Help and Trauma

            A Course in Miracles

                        Video Nugget: Exploring the Divine Mystery

            Healing the Child Within

                        Video Nugget: The Problem With Psychiatric Drugs

            Reboot: Healing the Child Within


Leanne Whitney, PhD

            The Depth Psychology of Carl G. Jung

                        Video Nugget: Freud and Jung

            The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

            Consciousness in Jung and Patanjali

                        Video Nugget: Psychotherapy Encounters Yoga

            The Feminine in Depth Psychology and Yoga Philosophy

            Embodiment in Depth Psychology and Yoga Philosophy

            The Eight Limbs of Yoga

            Yoga and the Powers of the Mind, Live Stream Event, Held on February 11, 2024


Carrie Wilkens, PhD

            Compassion with AddictionE


George Williams, PhD

            David Hume’s Argument Against Miracles


Lori Williams

            Becoming a Professional Remote Viewer

            Hypnosis and Psychic Functioning

            Remote Viewing Time Travel

            Monitoring Remote Viewing Sessions

            Organizing Remote Viewing Projects

            An Open-Ended Conversation

            Remote Viewing and Mediumship (to be released on October 23)


Fred Alan Wolf, PhD

            Time, Space, and Consciousness, Part One: The Nature of Light

                        Video Nugget: Paradoxes At The Speed of Light

            Time, Space, and Consciousness, Part Two: The Possibility of Time Travel

                        Video Nugget: The Lord of Time

            Time, Space, and Consciousness, Part Three: Faster Than Light

                        Video Nugget: Tachyons and Consciousness

            Qabala and Physics, Part One: Stories Within Stories

                        Video Nugget: Introduction to Qabala

                        Video Nugget: Intuition & Feeling Vs. Sensation & Thinking

            Qabala and Physics, Part Two: The Human in the Universe

                        Video Nugget: The Power of the Word

            Reboot: Qabala and Physics: Stories Within Stories

            Reboot: Qabala and Physics: The Human in the Universe


Marjorie Woollacott, PhD

            Spiritual Awakening

                        Video Nugget: Science and Mysticism

            A Neuroscientist Looks at Parapsychology

                        Video Nugget: A Neuroscientist Looks at Reincarnation

            The Mind-Brain Interface

                        Video Nugget: The Brain as a Receiver of Consciousness

            Academic Taboos About Consciousness

                        Video Nugget: Advice To Students

            Kundalini Rising


Gino Yu, PhD

            Consciousness in Business

                        Video Nugget: Stages of Awakening


Desda Zuckerman

            Spiritual Anatomy

            The Human Energy Structure

            Principles of Sacred Anatomy


Stefan Zugor

            Cultivating Lucid Dreams


Gary Zukav

            Authentic PowerL


Connie Zweig, PhD

            Aging From Role to Soul



Link to Videos from the Original Thinking Allowed Public Television Series (1986 – 2002).


* Archival Videos Recorded and Produced by Tamara Gurbis / 21st Century Narratives. 2003 - 2019 Tamara Gurbis.


C Interview conducted by Christopher Naughton


D Interview conducted by Debra Lynne Katz


E Interview conducted by Emmy Vadnais


J Interview conducted by Jana Rogge


L Interview conducted by Leanne Whitney


Y Documentary released with permission from Ingo Swann’s estate


